SA1520- Ship's On-Duty Status Board for USCGC Stratton , WMSL-752

Ship's On-Duty Status Board for USCGC Stratton , WMSL-752
This is a large custom on-duty board for the Coast Guard Cutter Stratton , WMSL-752. This board is made of stained Mahogany wood, with raised painted text, seven 3-D carved badges and insignia , the ship's crest , the USCG and Homeland Security seals, and brass slide-in holders indicating duty status for engraved name plates. The plaque is clear-coated twice. It is suitable for both inside and outside locations. It and similar chain-of-command, duty status and award boards can be ordered in any size from 24 inches to 84 inches in width. Call for prices on this and similar command boards; price depends on the number and size of photo frames and other design details.