SA1265 - Chain-of-Command Photo Board for the 131st Rescue Squadron Leadership US Air Force, Carved from African Mahogany.

Chain-of-Command Photo Board for the 131st Rescue Squadron Leadership , US Air Force
This Chain-of-Command Photo Board for the 131st Rescue Squadron Leadership , US Air Force, is carved from African Mahogany. After carving, it is hand sanded and stained to get the dark color. The officers have photos inserted into slide-in wood picture frames with acrylic covers, which can easily be changed . The officer and crew position names are engraved in the wood and painted with long-lasting sign enamels. The names of personnel will be engtaved on small brass plates mounted on the raised wood pedestals under the photo frames. The unit name at the top and motto "That Others May Live" at the bottom of the plaque are carved in raised relief .The unit crest at the top of the plaque is a giclee vinyl applique mounted on a raised wood pedestal. It is printed because it is too detailed and too small to be artist-brush painted. This plaque is clear-coated twice to protect against the marine environment. Other Air Force plaques are shown in the US Air Force plaques photo gallery.
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