SB1189 - Previous Commanding Officers Plaque for USCG Cutter, William Chadwick , WPC-1150

Previous Commanding Officers Plaque for USCG Cutter, William Chadwick , WPC-1150
This is a carved Mahogany plaque made for the US Coast Guard Cutter William Chadwick , WPC-1150. Brass name plates of previous Commanding Officers will have their names engraved . The Coast Guard emblems /insignia on top and in the middle of the plaque are carved from HDU in 3-D bas-relief and artist painted in metallic brass and silver sign enamels. The Mahogany board is clear-coated twice. This award plaque is suitable for both inside and outside locations, and will hold up well in marine conditions. This and similar award plaques can be ordered in any size from 24 inches to 60 inches wide.