SB1075 - Ship's Plaque of Past Commanding Officers, USCGC Edgar Culbertson

Ship's Plaque of Past Commanding Officers, USCGC Edgar Culbertson
This is a carved wood plaque listing the previous commanding officers of thje USCGC Edgar Culbertson. The USCG eagle insignia is carved in 3-D bas-relief from High-Density-Urethane, painted metallic gold & silver, and mounted on the bottom center of the board. The brass name plates of the past Commanders will be engraved with their names and slid into the brass nameplate holders. The ship's crest in the middle of the plaque has a carved border and the central artwork is digitally printed on giclee vinyl, because it was too small to carve accurately. The entire board is clear-coated twice. This plaque will withstand maritime conditions. This and similar USCG Ship and Base Command & Award Boards and plaques can be ordered in any size from 24 inches to 96 inches wide.
For more information on design options, prices and delivery schedules, please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at, and we will respond promptly.
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