Federal Government Seal Plaques (Executive & Congress)

Fig.1 - This picture shows the wide variety of styles of our dimensional Great Seal wall plaques for Federal government Executive departments and their agencies & services. Some plaques are carved in 3-D bas-relief, others in 2.5-D relief. Shown are painted HDU, brass-plated, 24K gold-leaf gilded, and stained Cedar and Mahogany plaques.
Welcome to the Federal Government page of the website of The Wood & Metal Plaque Company, a division of Art Sign Works, Inc. that specializes in designing and manufacturing custom plaques. This page provides descriptions and a photo Gallery of our standard, custom, and personalized wall and podium seal plaques for Federal Government organizations and personnel.
If you have just entered our website and you want an overview of our company and all our products, please view our HOME page ( tab upper left header), which has a listing of all plaque types in the silver box on the left side of the page. State, county and city/town/village government seal plaques are shown on other web pages of this site (click on horizontal menu below gold masthead). Military, and Federal, state, county and city court, fire department and police plaques can be viewed by using the pull-down menu for "TYPE " in the upper right of the gold masthead above. If you have just entered our website and you want an overview of our company and all our products, please start with our Home page ( tab upper left header), which has a listing of all plaque types in the silver box on the left side of the page. Other web pages and photo galleries can be visited by clicking on the titles and pull down menus in the gold masthead at the top of this page.

Fig. 2 - We have made plaques of the Seals for the White House Situation Room and for the President of the United States. We have several other plaques in the White House, in the Executive Dining Room, in two Executive Offices , in the Gift Shop, on Air Force 1, and mounted on podiums. The wooden plaque President Biden is holding was carved from Mahogany.
We design and fabricate a wide variety of custom and personalized hand-crafted wood and metal dimensional wall and podium plaques of seals, emblems, logos, badges, insignia, memorials and awards. We offer the highest quality materials and workmanship, great customer service, short turnaround times (typically 30 days from order to shipment), and factory-direct affordable prices to government, commercial, non-profit and consumer clients. We also offer wholesale prices to retailers and re-sellers, and discounts for buys of 3 or more identical plaques. All our plaques are manufactured in the USA, by Americans using American-made materials.

Fig. 3 -Military seal plaques in a House of Representatives Hearing Room.
We make beautiful and authentic carved natural Mahogany, Cedar, artist-painted High-Density-Urethane , and bronze , brass, nickel-silver, and aluminum wall plaques for over 200 civilian Federal Government branches, departments, agencies, services, commissions, bureaus, embassies, the Federal courts, and the DoD and all five military services. We have many styles and materials, and can make plaques in sizes from 10 inches to 10 feet in diameter. You can order any of the plaques on this site or order a new custom plaque of any design and size.
If you have questions on a specific type of plaque you are interested in, or you want information on our plaques or prices, you are always welcome to call Christie or Regina at 951-698-8484 or you can email us at info@artsignworks.com and we will respond quickly.

Fig. 4 - We have made several carved plaques for the House of Representatives and the Senate.This plaque for the House is brass-plated HDU.
On this page and photo Gallery, we show over 450 photos of a wide variety of carved dimensional wall plaques for various organizations of the US Federal Government, including the Great Seal of the US, the White House, the US Congress, Executive Departments and their agencies, services, administrations, etc, and other Federal agencies such as the Postal Service and NASA. These wall or podium plaques are used for organizational identity and authority, decoration, commemorative events, employee or organization recognition, graduations, memorials, or awards for civilian US Federal Government organizations and employees. Shown on this page and photo Gallery are several versions of wall plaques with the US Great Seal and seals, emblems, crests, insignia, badges and logos for executive, legislative, cabinet departments and civilian agencies and bureaus.
Our plaques have wide variations in prices, depending on size and style. Fig. 7 below shows our three basic relief styles, 2-D flat relief , 2.5-D multi-level relief, and 3-D bas-relief. These can be made of different materials, including natural wood, artist-painted High-Density-Urethane (HDU) , metal-coated HDU, and acrylic. Our STYLE page describes these in detail. Most of the 2000 photos of plaques on this website have a Style Category and a Price Code listed in the second or third paragraph in the text description under the photo (click on the photo or title to expand the photo and read the text to get the price code of that plaque, then look up the price for different size plaques with that style on the Price List at the bottom of the PRICE page).

Fig. 5 - We have made President Seal plaques for the White House and Air Force 1.
Our lowest price economy 2-D plaques feature digitally-printed full-color giclee vinyl appliques mounted on a round or rectangular a solid wood (Mahogany, Cedar or Redwood) or acrylic base. The retail prices for this type of small 10 inch diameter two-dimensional (2-D) flat custom plaque are as low as $100 (acrylic base) to $160 (Mahogany solid wood base). The same style plaques in a 18 diameter size have prices of $150 (acrylic) and $270 (Mahogany). We make this style of plaque in sizes from 10 inches to 24 inches in width. .These low prices assume we have made a previous plaque of the same artwork design ( featured in one of our Galleries of over 2000 photos), or for new artwork, that we are provided a print-ready JPEG photo or colored drawing of the artwork for the plaque. These are styles 1.4.1 ( wood base) and 1.4.3 ( acrylic base) on our PRICE page, with examples shown on our 2-D Giclee Plaque web page.
Our carved 2.5-D multi-level or engraved hand-crafted and artist-painted plaques have prices about twice that of the 2-D flat plaques with giclee printed art. These prices depend on the size, material, carving complexity, and number of colors. Prices for custom carved 18 inch diameter 2.5-D artist-painted HDU , metal-plated, or stained wood custom plaques vary from $270 to $400. Prices increase with size. We make this style of plaque in sizes from 10 inches to 60 inches in width. The PRICE page gives prices for carved 2.5-D plaques of various sizes, materials, styles, and number of colors. About 50% of our government plaques are carved in 2.5-D multi-level flat or engraved relief, using High-Density-Urethane (HDU) as the substrate. These are very popular and look great. Many times the artwork provided to us for custom plaques does not benefit from 3-D rendering, and we recommend a 2.5-D relief carving which looks nearly as good and is about 2/3 the price. Our 2.5-D relief plaques carve faster and have less labor to paint than 3-D bas-relief plaques, so they have lower prices. Most of our military and many of our government, university and corporate plaques are carved in 2.5-D relief.

Fig. 6 - We have made White House Plaques (similar to the one shown in the background behind President Obama) and Presidential seals for podiums for the White House.
Our premium plaques are carved in 3-D bas-relief, using wood (usually Mahogany, Cedar, or Redwood), or High-Density-Urethane (HDU) as the substrate. These are higher- priced carved 3-D bas-relief artist-painted plaques, and have prices three times as high as the 2-D plaques. These are museum quality plaques, and are often ordered by federal, state & local government agencies and courts. Prices for 18 inch diameter 3-D artist-painted or bronze, brass or silver-plated HDU or stained wood custom plaques vary from $380 to $560. Prices increase with plaque size. We make this style of plaque in sizes from 12 inches to 60 inches in width. The PRICE list gives prices for carved 3-D plaques of various sizes, materials, styles, and number of colors. These high-quality plaques may require from 6 to 24 hours of machine carving time, and then 4 to 6 hours of artisan work to hand-sand and artist-brush paint or metal polish them. They are unique works of art for our most discriminating clients.

Fig 7 - We make plaques in three different levels of relief, as shown above. Engraved plaques are in the same price category as 2.5-D relief plaques. Prices increase from left to right.

Fig. 8 -The US Great Seal plaque was the focal point of the the US Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai, UAE. This 8 ft diameter wall plaque was carved in 3-D bas-relief and was painted in metallic gold with the eagle symbol gilded in 24K gold-leaf
We do not mass-produce our 2.5-D or 3-D plaques using molds; even our most popular "standard" plaques such as the US Great Seal are hand-crafted. Wood plaques have higher prices than High-Density-Urethane (HDU) plaques, and multi-color plaques have higher prices than 1 or 2 color plaques. Metal-plated plaques are more expensive than painted plaques, and 24K gold and silver-leaf gilded plaques have the highest prices of all our plaques, because of the cost of materials and time required by our artisans to precisely hand-gild complex shapes.
If you have a photo, a picture or drawing of your seal, logo, badge, insignia, patch, crest, or coat-of-arms, we can make a custom 2-D, 2.5-D, or 3-D plaque for you. Our talented graphic artists create 2.5-D or 3-D geometric software models using advanced graphic design programs, which we then use to control the extremely precise 3-D computer-controlled carving machines which carve the plaques to approximate shapes.
Craftsmen then hand-sand and hand-carved the plaques to their final shapes. Out expert painters then use a combination of spray guns, air brushes, mini-rollers, artist brushes, hand-rubbing, polishing, and burnishing to paint, stain, metal-plate or gild our plaques to their final beauty.

Fig. 9 - Large Carved 3-D Artist-Painted Wall Plaque of the Seal of the Department of Justice
This Gallery contains over 230 photos and designs of wall plaques of the seals, emblems, logos, badges and crests of civilian branches, departments, agencies, services, commissions, etc. of the Federal government.
We make custom and standard wall plaques and signs for the executive branch (White House and Executive Departments), Congress, and independent agencies such as NASA, the Federal reserve Bank, the Postal Service, etc. Federal courts are in the Courts section and plaques of the seals and crests for the five armed services are shown in the Military section. This Gallery is organized in the following sections, listed in order top to bottom on two pages (click on gold underlined text link to go directly to that section or page). You can also go to a different page by clicking on "1" or "2" in the small box at just below the photos at the bottom left of this page.
- US Great Seal and Flag - top of page, begins with photo AP-1000
- White House - begins with AP-1150
- US Senate and House of Representatives - begins with AP-2000
- Federal Courts (most court plaques are shown on Federal Court Plaques page) - begins with AP-2160
- Department of Defense (military plaques are shown in another section, Military ) - begins with AP-2200
- Department of Justice (includes FBI and Marshall Service) - begins with AP-2300
- Intelligence Agencies (DCI, CIA, NSA, DIA) - begins with AP-3000
- Department of State (including Embassies) - begins with AP-3600
- Department of Homeland Security (including ICE, etc) - begins with AP-4000
- Department of Treasury - begins with AP- 4600
- Department of Commerce - begins with AP - 5000
- Department of Interior and National Forests(includes National Park Service (NPS) , Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Forest Service (NFS), and US Fish & Wildlife Service) - begins with AP- 5600
- Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) - begins with AP - 6000
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - begins with AP- 6050
- Department of Transportation (DOT) - begins with AP - 6080
- Department of Energy (DOE) - begins with AP - 6100
- Department of Agriculture (USDA) - begins with AP - 6130
- Department of Education - begins with AP - 6160
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - begins with AP - 6180
- Department of Labor - begins with AP - 6190
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPS) - begins with AP - 6250
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - begins with AP- 6650
- Social Security Administration - begins with AP - 6670
- US Postal Service (USPS) - AP - 6680
- Other Agencies not within a Department (GSA, EEOC, Election Assistance Commission) - begins with AP-6700
These two pages provide descriptions and a photo Gallery of our standard, custom, and personalized wall and podium plaques for Federal Government organizations and personnel. State, county and city/town/village government plaques are shown on other web pages of this site, as are military, court, and police plaques. Please use the pull-down menu for "TYPE " in the gold masthead above to go to these or any other of our 24 customer-oriented photo galleries .

Fig. 10 - Large Carved 3-D Artist-Painted Wall Plaque of the Seal of the FBI's Counterterrorism Division
Please call or email us for a price quote on a specific plaque. We will work with you to design and build the exact plaque you want. One of our knowledgeable and helpful Customer Service Representatives, Christie , Regina, or Liz, will respond to your request promptly. Call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at info@artsignworks.com. Or, you can fill out and submit our on-line Request a Quote form. We would like to make your plaque, and we are confident that you will be pleased with it. We take great pride in every product we make for our valued clients. We offer a 2 year warranty on all our products, and our indoor plaques will last many decades without degradation.

Fig. 11 - Large Carved 3-D HDU and Aluminum Great Seal of the United States Gilded with 24K Gold Leaf, Mounted on Top of a Federal Courthouse
You can search for a specific plaque type (e.g., "FBI" ) by entering the key word in the search box in the upper right of the gold masthead. You can view a list and use the navigation bar for all 24 Gallery types by viewing the silver box on the left side of the HOME page. You can view a description of different plaque styles by going to the STYLE section listed above in the gold masthead. To request information, request a design and a quote, send a file, or to place an order, click on the text (e.g., "contact ", "quote", "file" or "order") in the far upper right of the gold masthead at the top of this page. All prices are given on the "PRICE" page in the menu in the gold masthead.
This Gallery is organized by branch or executive Department. If your department, agency, bureau or other Federal agency seal, emblem or logo is not shown below, we will make a custom plaque for it in most styles with no design fees.
AP-3060 - Carved Plaque of the Seal of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Artist Painted
Seal of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
This is a carved wall plaque made for the Central Intelligence Agency. This plaque is an accurate 2.5-D flat relief carving of its seal, made from High-Density-Urethane (HDU), a synthetic wood material used extensively by the sign industry for dimensional signs. This plaque is hand-painted in bright, long-lasting sign enamels and then clear-coated twice. It is suitable for both inside and outside locations. It can be ordered in any size from 12 inches to 60 inches in diameter.
This Plaque Style is 2.5-D relief, 4-10 Colors (click to see description).
Prices for various sizes of this plaque are given on our PRICE page (click to see prices.) The Style Category for this plaque is 1.1.3 .
Please click on Federal Government Plaques to see over 400 standard and custom Federal Government wall and podium plaques. These are made for the Executive branch, including all of the Executive Departments, agencies, services, administrations, and bureaus, and also for the Senate and the House of Representatives. Plaques for the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, District, Bankruptcy and other Federal Courts are shown on the Federal Courts page. Plaques for the Department of Defense and the five services are shown in the Military section (7 web pages). If you have a a seal, an insignia, an emblem, a logo, a badge, a medal, a shoulder / chest patch, or a flag/pennant, we can make a 3-D, 2.5-D, or engraved carved wood or HDU wall plaque featuring its artwork in any size from 10 inches to 10 feet, for either indoor or outdoor use. We can customize or personalize these plaques with carved text for individual or organization names, achievements, citations, dates, etc.
These can be finished in a variety of styles, including artist-painted in many or a few colors ; a variety of bronze, brass, copper, silver-nickel, or aluminum plating selections ; 24K gold or pure silver leaf gilding; or natural and stained wood finishes. These plaques can be mounted on a wall or podium with several hardware options, including double-backed tape or a keyhole on a nail (small plaques up to 24 inches in diameter); Z-clips (medium size plaques up to 5 ft in diameter); or threaded studs inserted into a wall (large plaques up to 10 ft in diameter). Different carving styles, surface treatments and substrate materials for our plaques are described in our STYLE section. Prices for different size plaques are shown on our PRICE page. Both of these sections can be accessed by clicking on these names on the right side of the gold masthead above.
For more information on design options, prices and delivery schedules, please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at info@artsignworks.com, and we will respond promptly.
To go to the main Federal Government plaque photo gallery, please click on "Return to List" below left.